
The role of retail industry in the market is huge. According to global statistics only in 2022 the global retail market generated the sales over 27 trillion U.S. dollars and estimated to exceed 30 trillion U.S. dollars by 2024. In the era of technology retail industry couldn’t be left aside. Implementing technology and inventory management systems will lead retail sector to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer experience services. One of the essential functionalities of technology in Retail industry is data storage and processing. Retailers who embrace full spectrum of benefits of technological advancements gain competitive edge ensuring optimal inventory levels and exceeding customer expectations.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation for Retail industry means transitioning whole processes and how retail business operates into digital world by integrating digital technologies, strategies, and processes to improve the operations. Such change is essential as consumers advance in technology and enjoy all the benefits it brings. Retailers need to adjust to the changing landscape by being able to provide e-commerce and online presence, perhaps mobile shopping service, VR and AR, Iot in retails and many other technically driven solutions for enhancing consumer experience. We at Berexia aim at ensuring our retail clients meet all the essential criteria for being technologically advanced. We can build and design software solutions that will enable them to be up to date and have all the essential ingredients to be fully tech equipped.

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CRM/ERP Solutions

CRM solution plays one of the most important roles in building strong customer relationships and improving operational efficiency in Retail industry. CRM solutions help business in optimizing interactions with customers, managing complaints, use of target marketing, lead generation and overall business growth. Without CRM retail industry simply cannot function efficiently and use all its customer data for enhancing customer experience as it will lack data analytics. Our ERP/CRM solutions aim at automating routine processes, fostering collaboration within teams, improving customer experience, and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Big Data & Analytics

Through data analytics organizations can analyze user behavior and gain valuable insights to understand consumer behavior patterns and market trends. Big data also reveals the areas where organizations need to improve their services and be more customer inclusive and provide better e-services. We use big data for various reasons both assisting organizations to improve their operational performance, identify the gaps, provide them with insights, reveals the areas of most engaging services for users.

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E-commerce solutions

The role of E-commerce solutions in Retail industry is huge, as it enables business to establish online stores and reach global customer base while providing seamless digital shopping experience. Without such technological tools, platforms, applications, global customer reach would not be possible. Wide range of technological e-commerce solutions facilitate online transactions, product management, customer engagement etc.

There are multiple e-commerce solutions available today, especially with growing popularity of online shopping. We help with payment gateways, digital identity verification, mobile app development and digital documents management and many more.
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retrail-berexiaE-commerce solutions